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2024-2025 Bell Schedules

IMPORTANT: Students can arrive for breakfast at 7:50AM. All students arriving between 7:50-8:10AM will report to the MPR, to be dismissed by Breakfast Supervisors to the blacktop for morning lineup.

RECESS BELL: rings 1 minute before the end of recess so that students will line up in time for the next instructional period. Teachers MUST BE at the line by the end of recess.

Note: Kindergarten morning recess starts at 8:10 on the K Yard.

Note: 1st - 5th grade morning recess starting at 8:10 is on the Big Yard.

Traffic Safety

Cars are not always looking for families crossing the street on the way to school. If you see a car running a stop light or creating a dangerous situation for students walking to school, please report the license plate to the office. We will then contact the Alameda Police Department.

School Reminders

• Dress Code Reminder – All shoes worn to school must have a heel strap and covered toes. Students may not wear backless shoes or sandals.

• Families are invited to start the day with students on the blacktop before the 8:20 am bell. Teachers will lead students to class from the blacktop where we will share our goodbyes. 

• Please do not leave bikes or scooters at school over the weekend. We have had bikes and scooters stolen when left over the weekend.