Attendance at School
Good attendance is very important to your child's education! If your child is to get the complete benefit of the teacher's expertise, he or she must be in class. State law requires prompt and regular attendance. If your student is absent or tardy, the state law requires that we obtain an excuse from you.
If your child is going to be tardy or absent, please call the school office at 748-4006.
You may call at any time of the day or night to leave a message. A phone call is the best way to help us know that your child is home. If you have called, a written note is not necessary. If it is necessary to have your child out of school for several days, please notify the school three to five days before the first day of absence. Under the State of California Code our child may complete his/her class work if the teacher gives you the assignment. Phone the school office for more information.
Any student who arrives after the start of the school day must report to the office to receive a pass to class.
Checking Students Out During School Hours
If it is necessary to remove your child from school during the day, please follow the following procedure:
- Send a note with the child explaining time of dismissal and who will be picking him/her up.
Come to the office and sign the student out. Students will not be permitted to leave campus during the school day unless signed out and accompanied by an adult who is authorized to remove him/her from school.
Contracted Study or Extended Absences
The contracted study policy allows students to maintain the instructional program of the classroom for brief absences (5-15 days).
Applications for contracted study, available in the office, should be submitted at least five (5) days prior to the first day of absence and must be approved by your child’s teacher and the school principal.