Q. If I am not sure if I qualify or completed the Income Verification/Free and Reduced Price Meal registration, what can I do?
Q: I have a new incoming student (TK,K, New to Alameda), can they join Summer School?
A: No. The program is for existing students only, and for students who qualify for Free and reduced-price meals (no-fee to participate), please apply during the open period starting July 1st. There is no fee-based summer program, please look into other programs around the island, like the Alameda Parks and Recreation Department.
Q. Who Qualifies for the no-fee-based program (ELOP)?
A. The state of California subsidizes the Ruby Bridges program by providing two grants: ASES and ELOP (you can learn more on our
website), these grants support families who qualify for Free and Reduced Price Meals, are Unhoused or Foster.
Q. Can I pick-up my child early, and not at 6:00 p.m. when the program ends?
A. Yes. Please complete an Early Release Form. These forms help us justify why families need to pick up earlier than 6:00 p.m. Please keep in mind that the state subsidizes the program because Ruby Bridges has demonstrated a high need for after school care support. The more we use the program, the more we can retain grant funding, and lower fees for our fee-based families.
Q. How do families apply for Free and Reduced Price Meals?
Q: Who can enroll for Summer Camp and when does it start?
A: Summer camp is for students who qualify for Free and Reduced Price Meals, Unhoused, or Foster only. The next registration period will be in April 2025. During the school year, you will receive Parent Square emails inviting you to enroll for Winter Intersession (February Break) and Summer Camp. Registration for this year is already closed and it is full.
Q: What’s the scheduling like for After School? What are the hours?
A: During the school year; starting on Thursday, August 15th until June 5th, the after-school program is open until 6:00 p.m. Please note that the state allows programs to close for up to three (3) days during the school year for staff development. You will be notified in advance.
Q. Which days will this program be open? Specifically, will there be care available when school is not in session? For instance, spring break. If so, what hours?
A. The Champions after-school program is open for the school year only; 180 school days (
see AUSD district calendar here). The district hosts summer camp for low income families of currently enrolled students, and an intersession during President's week.
Q. Summer Camp: what are the usual dates and times?
A. This year, we are offering summer camp at Love Elementary starting 6/20-7/26 from 8.30-5.30 p.m. Registration began in March. At this time, camp enrollment is full but you can add yourself to the waitlist, if you are a currently enrolled student, please send an email to cmedina@alamedaunified.org
Q. Does the Champions program support special needs children?
A. Champions partners with parents and their inclusion services team to make sure they can meet the unique needs of each child and within
reasonable accommodations.
Q. How many students are supported in each classroom?
A. The state mandates a student to teacher ratio of 10:1 for Tk and K students, and 20:1 for students in 1-6th grades. Champions groups older students at 1:14.
Q. What are the qualifications for the teachers at Champions?
A. The state requires that staff either pass an Instructional Aid exam or have 48 college units. Champions staff receive training prior to starting their roles, as well as throughout the year. The role of a site manager is to also coach and support staff development.
In addition, Champions will require that each teacher also has 12 of their college units in ECE courses or similar.
Q. What physical activity and outdoor time do the students have?
A. Each day the students will have a minimum of 1-30 time periods of physical activity. (Often there will be days where physical/outdoor time occurs twice.) We will be Indoors or Outdoors, based on weather. We have a full manuscript of assorted games and physical activities for our staff and students to choose from
Q.Will Champions reflect day-school by using PBIS /Toolbox?
A.Champions uses Positive Behavior Management with our Champions Students as well as we leverage Harmony materials for SEL activities. We will also participate in any district/School PBIS training available so that our staff is aligned with the district protocols.